GuangDong Trade Fair APP(译名:广新交易会)是广新控股集团开发的一款由国内优质制造商、国外采购商、贸易环节服务商、外贸经理人等共同使用的外贸商务社交软件。
- 在产品详情中,可以发起询价、评论、购买意向、分享、关注等
- 发现,各个不同的展馆都有一个独立的讨论平台,可以对整个展馆的物品进行评价和讨论。
- 发布,发布自己拍摄的产品,产品详情,产品编号。
- 个人主页,查看自己发布的所有产品,留下过的购买意向,收藏、关注、粉丝等。
- 笔记,随时随地拍下和记录你喜欢的产品
- 消息,查看购买意向的消息、询价消息、系统消息
GuangDong Trade Fair App is a foreign trade business social software, developed by Guangxin Holding Company
and used by domestic good quality manufacturer、foreign buyer trade link service provider and the foreign trade manager.
- In the product details, you can inquiry、comment、share、follow with interest and make purchase intention and so on
- Discovery, Each pavilion has their own separate platform to discuss, you can make evaluation and discussion on the exhibits.
-Publication, you can publish your photo、detail and the number of the product.
-Personal Homepage, you can look over all products you launched 、collected and followed、 your purchase intention、 fans and so on.
-Note, you can take photo and record the product you like whenever and wherever possible.
-Message, you can check the message about purchase intention 、enquiry information and system news